CSR drive for Peace and Sport

THE MONACO-BASED Peace and Sport organisation is seeking corporate partners to help fund the movement and its individual field projects for the promotion of peace through sport worldwide.

The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) opportunity was highlighted at the 6th Peace and Sport International Forum, hosted in Sochi in the Russian Federation, last week.

Peace and Sport Founder and President Joël Bouzou spoke about the need for greater resources to grow the movement – and the role of corporations in providing that. 

“There is a real need for greater resources and we need to involve companies in our work,” he said. “We need to give them ways to contribute – for example putting projects online. ”

Key to Peace and Sport’s development is the decision to switch its economic model from one lead, majority-funding sponsor in favour of a multi-donor model.

As Peace and Sport director of global affairs Siri Khalsa explains: “We have built a very strong platform but if we are to grow further we need strategic partners that share our vision.

“We see the potential for a win-win-win scenario, where we continue to expand, corporate partners can fulfill their community outreach or CSR objectives and public partners or sports federations can fulfil their mandates.”

The movement can boast growing support from sports federation and governing bodies. Speaking during the Sochi Forum, SportAccord general director Vincent Gaillard, said: “We have 100 plus organisations of which around 30 are involved in peace and social initiatives. I’d like to think they will all have engaged with such initiatives by the end of the decade.”

By Matthew Glendinning

Follow Matthew on Twitter: @mattglen