Boston Marathon refuels with Citgo

US oil refining and marketing company Citgo has stepped up its backing of the Boston Marathon after signing a new multi-year partnership with the Boston Athletic Association.

Under the expanded deal, Citgo, which has had a presence at the Boston Marathon since 1965, will serve as the official fuel sponsor of the event. 

Citgo will be the presenting sponsor of a digital campaign entitled ‘The Road to Boston’, which provides year-long event information to participants.

The company’s branding will also feature near the athletes’ village in Hopkinton, and at the one-mile-to-go mark of the race.

In addition, a Citgo cheer zone will be situated at the 25.2-mile stage of the event, below the Citgo sign landmark, to encourage runners on the home straight.

The Boston Marathon is one of the six World Marathon Majors, along with Chicago, New York, Tokyo, London and Berlin. It is the oldest continuously run marathon in the world, spanning 121 years of history.

This year’s event takes place on April 17. Around 30,000 people are registered to take part.